Thursday, October 11, 2012

Yeah I did it..

I finally started to write. Years and years ago.. Pre marriage, Pre gremlins..I liked to write. My sanity depended on it. Bring in marriage, kiddos, life in general, and I put down the pen. Same as I did my camera. But now that life has gone on for quite a few years, I am trying to get back to it. I cant believe how much I missed typing (writing) the stories in my head. Or taking pictures. I do believe my writing has grown up a lot. In growing up, the stories are more adult. I honestly wont put much onto this blog. This is a more personal one for me. I will be creating a new one, under a new name.  As soon as I get a story finished. I have some wonderful author friends who are standing by me in my endeavor. Its really nice to have them standing behind....more beside me..every step of the way. Ideas, thoughts, critics... Yeah I take it all.
I have a awesome author that I beta read for that will be beta for me. More on that... when the new blog starts. Because I cant wait to have guest authors etc :D :D Im super excited(cant ya tell?)
Now onto my normal daily life....

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