Monday, November 07, 2011

AKKKKK Im 34!!

Speechless I say. Seems like it wasnt that long ago I was turning 21 lol. Today I am 34. Last night my best friend came over as a surprise. (Hubs set it up) She made me a huge cake. We sat out watching the fire in the chimenea for a long time. Hubs made all of dinner and cleaned it up. Lil Bear made me a card letting me know Im not too old LOL. 
Mr B came back from his Gun Range weekend. He was SOOO tired. But HES GETTING HIS MARKSMANSHIP!! First time ever shooting a gun :D . Hes got a bruised shoulder from the shotgun.. He put himself to bed right after cake and out he was. 
Ahh Going to enjoy lazy quiet day.......

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