Sunday, February 01, 2009

Surgical Consult tomorrow

Maybe Mr B's nightmare will be over soon. He has his surgical consult tomorrow. So we should have the date for surgery. He is so tired of being in pain. He is ready for this surgery. He hates that other kids are out playing on these nice days we started to have. And yet he can't ride his bike, he can not run. So sad to see him feel left out.
And The bear is sick. His lungs yet again. I am also calling his doctor tomorrow. I think its time for a nebulizer. He needs to get this stuff out of his lungs and be able to breath again.
Hubby is gearing up for his surgery. We should know that date soon. He is ready to get it over with and hopefully be out of pain. This next month is going to be crazy. But its a new month. And after its all done. Things will get better.

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