Wednesday, August 01, 2012

On the ball

The bears of the house are officially approved and enrolled in the K12 program. Thats a load of stress off me. It was a little trying to get this all done. But it felt good to shock the lady on the phone lol. Stated it hardly ever happens that paperwork is all in and correct. And I did all that in a matter of a few days.  Guess normally they have to email call etc to get all the paperwork. (yep Im tooting my own horn here haha) The boys cant wait to see the boxes show up with all their materials. We start on the 16th :D
Add on that we are officially receiving full paychecks again. Whew. That is a load off. Seems like forever ago when we saw one of those.
The heat here is really wearing me out though. I had such grand plans to get this house completely straightened up. But when its 112 outside, there is NO energy. Its 10:30 at night and its still 96 degrees F. Miserable. I need to get stuff dealt with before those materials show up lol. Need a place to put them!!
Yeah I know thats a quick update but Im TIRED! Will try to give better updates soon!

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